Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy

TMS Treatment in Denver, CO

Our clinic is extremely accessible to anyone located in Denver and surrounding areas including Lakewood, Aurora, Littleton, Golden, and Westminster, making in-person treatment sessions convenient and stress-free!

Click the “Contact Us” link below to request a free phone consultation to find out if you are eligible for this alternative depression treatment!

A Proven Non-drug Treatment

Looking for a safe and effective treatment for depression in the Denver area?

TMS therapy may be the answer. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. This cutting-edge, alternative therapy is administered by trained healthcare professionals in a clinical setting and has been FDA-approved for the treatment of depression.

Unlike other treatments such as medications and electroconvulsive therapy, TMS therapy does not require sedation or anesthesia. During a TMS session, a small device is placed on the scalp, which generates a magnetic field that passes through the skull and into the brain. This magnetic field causes electrical currents to flow in the brain, which can stimulate nerve cells and change their activity.

TMS therapy has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated, with few side effects. It is a great option for those who have not found relief from traditional treatments or are unable to tolerate the side effects of medication.

If you or a loved one is struggling with depression, TMS therapy may be the solution you’ve been looking for. To schedule a free phone consultation and learn more about this revolutionary treatment, visit our contact page.

Many Benefits of TMS Therapy

How it Works

Targeted Pulses

Magnetic energy similar to what is used in an (MRI) is used to stimulate the areas of the brain that are sluggish and causing depressed mood.

Apollo TMS Therapy

TMS Therapy is Safe and Effective

FDA Approved Treatment

The Apollo TMS therapy system is developed and manufactured in Germany by MAG & More, a TMS specialist with more than 15 years of experience in the field. In May 2018, Apollo received FDA clearance for treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in adult patients who have failed to receive satisfactory improvement from prior antidepressant medication. Apollo TMS therapy system uses highly focused, pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate function in targeted brain regions

Transcranial magnetic therapy is a beneficial treatment for those that struggle with depression. This therapy treatment uses magnetic stimulation to stimulate areas of your brain that can affect mood. This treatment option has proven, long-lasting results without the negative effects of medication or the risks of invasive treatments.

If you struggle with depression and have tried methods like anti-depressants and counseling without seeing any long-lasting results, you are a great candidate for transcranial magnetic therapy. If you live in the Lakewood, CO, area, contact the team at Psyche Advanced Therapeutics to learn more about our therapy options to treat your depression.

Read on to learn more about transcranial magnetic therapy in Lakewood, CO. You can use the link below to visit our contact page and request a free consultation. You can also read some frequently asked questions below to understand more about how transcranial magnetic therapy works and how insurance can help.

TMS Treatment in Denver, CO


Our clinic is extremely accessible to anyone located in Denver and surrounding areas including Lakewood, Aurora, Littleton, Golden, and Westminster, making in-person treatment sessions convenient and stress-free!

Click the Contact Us link below to request a free phone consultation to find out if you are eligible for this alternative depression treatment!

Frequently Asked Questions

TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation. It is used to treat depression by stimulating the brain non-invasively using electromagnetic fields, similar to those produced by an MRI machine. During TMS Therapy, a magnetic field is administered in very short pulses to the part of the brain that research has demonstrated to be associated with depression. The typical initial course of treatment is about 19-37 minutes daily over 4-6 weeks.

The Apollo TMS Therapy system uses short pulses of magnetic fields to stimulate the area of the brain that is thought to function abnormally in patients with depression. The magnetic field produces an electric current in the brain that stimulates the brain cells (neurons). This results in changes that are thought to be beneficial in the treatment of depression.
TMS is covered by most insurance companies, including Medicare. Patient responsibility is determined based on the terms of each specific policy. Clinical criteria requirements for approval vary across different insurance companies, but our treatment coordinator can determine preliminary eligibility for treatment prior to meeting with a provider for an intake appointment.
Apollo is non-systemic (does not circulate in the blood throughout the body), so it does not have side effects such as weight gain, sexual dysfunction, nausea, dry mouth, sedation, etc. The most common side effects reported during clinical trials were headache and scalp discomfort – generally mild to moderate – occurring less frequently after the first week of treatment.

No. TMS Therapy involves a unique method of using pulsed magnetic fields for therapeutic benefit. The intensity of the magnetic field is similar to that of the magnetic fields used in magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI. These techniques differ radically from the popular use of low intensity, static magnetic fields. These products deliver weak and undirected static fields that are not capable of activating brain cells.

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